FIZA, a.s.
Hrozňatova 3
615 00 Brno

Company ID: 26252325
TIN: CZ26252325

tel./fax: 548 226 253 Registered office
Contact us


We are an auditing and consulting company. We pride ourselves on the comprehensiveness and accuracy of our services, which are continuously enhanced with the latest knowledge. We also co-operate with expert institutes and individual experts specialising in the field so that we can understand you perfectly and offer a professional and beneficial solution.


We want you to perceive auditing just as we do: not as a threat but as an opportunity to systemize the state of things and set up the system in compliance with the legislation. The auditor is not just an auditing body but in particular a co-operating professional – partner who can be of a great help to you.

Long-term co-operation with the auditor implies numerous positive aspects. On the one hand, errors are minimised and hidden reserves are discovered, while on the other hand useful recommendations are made. Both can bring you considerable savings and competitive advantages.

What can we do for you within our auditing services?

  • audits of financial statements and annual reports,
  • audits of financial statements prepared in compliance with international or other specific accounting standards,
  • audits of controlling reports,
  • audits of accounting and other forecasts,
  • assessment of internal auditing work,
  • audits of the economic activity of municipalities and public sector organisations,
  • audits for specific purposes,
  • audits of software products,
  • due-diligence implementation services,
  • forensic audits,
  • methodical support and consultancy regarding the above-mentioned activities.

Not only do we provide consultancy to assist you in the creation of your accounting methodology, but we can also directly develop such accounting methodology.

We will provide you with comprehensive consultancy and support while maintaining independence and objectivity in all audit areas and related activities. The auditor's opinions provided by our company are unbiased, independent and respected not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad.